The credit repair stories you are about to read are true. They are meant to entertain as well as educate. Credit repair is not difficult. But it takes some thought. For those who approach credit repair cautiously success will be certain and satisfying. For those who act hastily the outcome can be less than happy. The good news is that mistakes can be corrected, and with any luck the lessons learned will lead to great success, as you will read below.
Don't Forget to Rebuild
Jason started out his credit repair program with a lot of enthusiasm. He was thrilled to see the derogatory items come off his report month by month. After almost six months of credit repair he went to to check out his scores and was disappointed to see that they had risen only marginally. He consulted an expert about the situation. The credit repair professional explained to him that derogatory information had been depressing his scores, but without positive information his scores would not rise satisfactorily. So Jason opened two secured credit cards, making sure to pay on time and keep the balances low. It took some patience, but six months later, Jason checked his scores and was astounded to see that they had risen 150 points. It was a wonderful outcome.
Watch Those Balances
Becky had been in a credit repair program for a few months and her credit scores had risen dramatically. Her goal was to buy a house and she felt that she was almost ready. Several weeks before she was going to apply for her mortgage she bought a new television and paid for it with her credit card. She thought it would be great in her new home. When Becky applied for her mortgage she was shocked that her scores were 100 points lower than they had been only 45 days prior. Her credit repair consultant looked at her report and saw that the purchase of the television had pushed her credit card balance to the limit. At his advice she reduced the balance and a month later she re-applied for her mortgage, this time there was no problem. Her scores were higher than ever and she was approved for a great low rate mortgage.
Check the Statue of Limitation
Ethan was contacted by a collector who offered him a tempting deal of twenty-five percent off the original balance owned. The deal seemed fair, but because it was a significant amount of money Ethan decided to consult a credit repair expert first. The credit repair expert researched the statute of limitation (SOL) and calculated the amount of time that had passed since the original default date. It turned out that the debt was two years beyond the expiration of the SOL and only one year short of the reporting period limit. The credit repair expert explained to Ethan that because the debt was past the SOL the collector did not have legal recourse, which usually makes a debt very negotiable, and because it was only one year short of the reporting period limit he could even opt to ignore it as it would fall off soon enough. Ethan decided to call the collector and make a reduced offer. Once the collector understood that Ethan knew the law he settled for far less than his origi nal offer. The little bit of credit repair homework saved Ethan thousands of dollars.
The Moral of the Story
Jason, Becky, and Ethan ran into obstacles in their path. But the solutions were easy and delivered terrific results. There is never a cause for worry. If you have taken a wrong turn just correct your course and before you know it you will be enjoying the positive results you deserve. Credit repair is not difficult, but it is essential to pay attention to the details. There is nothing wrong with undertaking the task of credit repair on your own, but if any time you feel that you need help, you should reach out and consult a professional. Your credit is important and every detail matters. Good luck, you can do it!
Copyright © 2009 James W. Kemish. All Content. All Rights Reserved.
Jim Kemish, a nationally recognized consumer advocate, is the president and founder of Sky Blue Credit Repair, a leading credit repair service since 1989. Jim is also a regular contributor to The Credit Repair Blog, a prominent consumer resource.
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