Sunday, May 24, 2009

3 Tips on credit card consolidation by James

Credit card consolidation helps you to avoid paying high interest on your credit card bills. So, if you'd like to obtain lower rates on your cards, get credit card debt help from a debt consolidation company. The company communicates with your creditors or collection agency so that they agree to reduce your interest rates and offer you an affordable monthly payment plan. The steps in a credit card consolidation program are almost similar to that of a debt consolidation program. Just check out the steps and make sure you're well aware of how the program works before you enroll in it. Here are the 3 tips you need to follow when you're in a consolidation or credit card debt elimination program. 1. Control your spending: The key to any financial problem is overspending and not keeping a track of exactly where you're spending the money. So, it's essential to plan your budget first. Use a budget worksheet to calculate your monthly income and expenses. The consultant at the consolidation company may guide you on how to budget your income and expenses. This will help you avoid a default while you're in a credit card debt elimination program. 2. Set up emergency fund: Emergencies are common to all. There can be health problems or natural disasters for which you may be unprepared. This is when an emergency fund helps you. While you budget your expenses every month, just keep aside a part of your income (5-10% if possible) for emergencies. 3. Avoid using credit cards/loans for some time: When you're in a credit consolidation program, make sure you don't use your credit cards any more. You may not close the accounts right away; just set the cards aside for the time being. Make sure you're able to keep up with the payments so as to get out of debt within a short time frame.

About the Author
Author talks about Credit Card Debt Consolidation Program which avoids paying high on your credit card bill. For more click Credit Card Consolidation.

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